Happy! AR
In fall of 2017 I oversaw design of this funny, strangely addictive app to promote new series Happy!. My team designed the interface and worked with Glimpse to produce what I thought was a really smart, and ultimately successful, real-world extension of the show’s concept. In the series, main character Nick Sax, after experiencing some traumatic events, begins to see his daughter’s imaginary friend, a small flying blue unicorn named Happy. The apps lets users interact with Happy as well, in their own environment, ask him questions, make him do tricks, customize his appearance and share recordings of his antics with friends. We had a blast sampling the ton of original audio Patton Oswalt recorded and trying to resist making Happy poop festive decor all over the office!
01 | Getting Started
After a brief walkthrough and the obligatory prompt to scan their surroundings, Happy is ready to play! Leave him idle too long and he gets bored, triggering some funny interactions.
02 | Interaction
Users could tap Happy and get an unpredictable reaction, ask him a yes or no question and get some magic-8-ball-style hilarious wisdom or choose from a deep menu of actions for him to perform on command. Then they could share photos or video of all of the above on social.
03 | Customization
Using the My Happy feature, users could change the color of each of Happy’s features and choose from a bunch of gear to outfit him with for maximum swag. Now he’s ready for that closeup!
W3 Awards 2018
Gold, Marketing, Augmented Reality
Webby Awards 2018
Honoree, Use of Augmented Reality
Cablefax Awards 2017
Winner, Mobile Experience
Shorty Awards 2017
Audience Honor, Augmented Reality